Participating partners and departments
MERGE involves staff from five Swedish universities and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.
MERGE is a collaboration between Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Rossby Centre/SMHI, Linneaus University, Chalmers University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology. It involves more than 250 researchers, including senior scientists, young scientists and other contributing staff.
Participating partners
MERGE is hosted by Lund University and the Faculty of Science.
About MERGE at
Department of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Science (INES)
Focuses on multidisciplinary studies of climate and environmental change, and how this affects the functioning and composition of terrestrial ecosystems and vice versa. INES contributes to vegetation/ecosystem/land use modelling (LPJ-GUESS) and coupling with climate models, as well as efforts on aerosols with biospheric sources.
Department of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Science (INES) –
Department of Physics (Aerosol Group at the Division of Nuclear Physics)
Contributes with advanced climate-relevant aerosol measurements at various field sites as well as in laboratories, and process modelling in order to develop an validate parameterizations linking the carbon cycle to aerosol – cloud – climate interactions.
Department of Physics (Aerosol Group at the Division of Nuclear Physics) –
Department of Geology (Quaternary Science)
Works on climate model evaluation and development by means of palaeoclimatic records, looking for new insights into the range of natural climate forcing processes and climate effects and how these might be missing in models.
Department of Geology (Quaternary Science) –
Division of Mathematical Statistics at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Develops formal statistical research for climate studies, such as on extreme values and aspects of spatio-temporal statistical models
Division of Mathematical Statistics at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences –
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
Gathers, strengthens and visualises education and research within environment and climate. CEC is the host for two of Lund University's strategic research areas, BECC and MERGE.
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) –
About MERGE Gothenburg at
Department of Earth Science
Contributes with work on downscaling of climate model results to local scale, with focus on extreme precipitation and temperature events. RCG works also with dendrochronology.
Department of Earth Science –
Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (Atmospheric Science)
Supports model development by laboratory-based experimental studies, aiming at improved model descriptions of key aerosol and cloud processes, such as SOA formation via BVOC oxidation, and SOA aging and associated changes in chemical and physical properties.
Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (Atmospheric Science) –
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (BioEnv)
Works with landscape variation in ozone and ozone exposure in relation to local climate and ozone deposition, and studies ecophysiological aspects of vegetation interaction with the atmosphere, including the responses and long-term acclimation to climate, elevated CO2 and elevated O3 concentrations.
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (BioEnv) –
Rossby Centre works in MERGE on research and climate model development.
Rossby Centre –
Department of Space, Earth and Environment Science
Focuses in MERGE on aerosol and in the context relevant atmospheric chemistry modelling (tropospheric ozone), using the EMEP model as a stepping stone to introducing new parameterizations in regional and over time global climate models. The second focus is on methods to collect data about forest biomass and changes in the forest cover using radar remote sensing, for use in evaluation of ecosystem descriptions in climate models.
Department of Space, Earth and Environment Science –
Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED)
SEED gathers a broad range of interdisciplinary expertise to conduct research that covers a wide field within environmental, engineering and sustainability issues.
Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering –
The Palaeoecology Group of the Environmental Science and Technology Research Centre at the Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Focuses on quantitative reconstruction of past vegetation on regional and local spatial scales, and on long-term Holocene proxy records with the aim to study the relationships between climate, fire, vegetation and human activities in the past.
The Palaeoecology Group of the Environmental Science and Technology Research Centre –