MERGE workshop call
A call for all MERGE participants covering workshops open for all MERGE participants. The call has a deadline in May and November.
Workshop ideas that will be given priority in MERGE are:
- links between SITES, ICOS, ACTRIS, LPJ-GUESS
- Workshop on exchanging ideas and discuss pros and cons of different models. –
- how to share data within MERGE and to the outside world.
- coupling - and more integration of models.
Application process
The document name should be the same as the workshop title. The document should be a maximum of two A4 pages and sent to Lina Nikoleris in good time ahead of planned activities, deadline 1st of June 23:59. Funding decisions will be taken by the MERGE board in June.
- Title (preliminary)
- Aim of workshop (incl. background).
Contains MERGE related research, which is well connected to the MERGE Research Areas. Please discuss with the research Area Leaders – see below! - Applicants
Any member of MERGE can apply for funds for workshops, but the board in particular welcomes proposals related to RA’s and short projects. - Deliverables
What are the expected results of the workshop, for example a paper, a funding application, new collaborations etcetera? A short summary of the Workshop should be reported on MERGE’s homepage and in LUCRIS (if people from Lund participate) once the workshop is completed. - Programme (preliminary)
Open to all MERGE researchers (invitation through the Newsletter and MERGE event calendar). Please consider gender aspects, inter-disciplinary aspects, synthesis, stakeholder and the connection between Lund, Gothenburg, KTH, SMHI, Linneaus and Chalmers when sending in proposals for different activities. - Budget (detailed, remember OH)
The board has decided on a standard grant for a MERGE workshop up to 50 000 SEK (the sum includes OH, contact lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) for details), but this can vary depending on workshop content and format.
When applying for a workshop grant in MERGE, the proposal should include information regarding other types of financing that might have been applied for or that exist. Co-funding of workshops for which funding has been sought from other sources is particularly encouraged.
Research area leaders
RA1: Development, modelling and evaluation of climate-vegetation processes
benjamin [dot] smith [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Benjamin Smith)
klaus [dot] wyser [at] smhi [dot] se (Klaus Wyser)
RA2: Past variations in climate and vegetation
jesper [dot] sjolte [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jesper Sjolte)
hansl [at] gvc [dot] gu [dot] se (Hans Linderholm )
RA3: Vegetation, emissions and particles
hallq [at] chem [dot] gu [dot] se (Mattias Hallquist)
moa [dot] sporre [at] nuclear [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Sporre)
RA4: Advanced statistics for model evaluation, simulation set-up and analysis
johan [dot] lindstrom [at] matstat [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindström)
Send your proposal to
Lina Nikoleris
lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: BECC%20and%20MERGE%20Short%20projects) (lina[dot]nikoleris[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Reporting templates
Templates for reporting on MERGE-financed projects