Grand seminar: Aerosols and nature based system solutions
Welcome to dive into research discussions in the nexus of land-use, aerosols, climate, health and nature-based solutions!
The day starts with four presentations of high impact articles from the different fields of health, Climate, Land Use and Nature Based Solution to set a common ground for all participants. After coffee and cake we divide into discussion groups focussing on different cross cutting areas. With the articles as point of departure we explore how to form the way forward with new insights on knowledge gaps, collaborations, and possible research projects and applications.
This Grand seminar is organised by LU Profile Area: Nature based solutions, LTHs Profile Area: Aerosols and the Strategic Research Areas MERGE and BECC.
Please register before 22nd November in the link below. Limited space, first come - first served.
09.00 Introduction
09.15 Presentation of impact article on climate "Global warming in the pipeline" by Hansen et al. - Moa Sporre, Combustion physics
09.30 Presentation of impact article on health "How air pollution causes lung cancer — without harming DNA" by Ledford et al. - Joakim Pagels, Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
09.45 Presentation of impact article on landuse "Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity their societal impacts" by Pörtner et al. - Richard Walters, Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences
10.00 Presentation of impact article on naturebased solutions -What’s behind the barriers? Uncovering structural conditions working against urban nature-based solutions by Dorst et al. - Helena Hanson, Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences
10.15 Fika
10.45 Discussion groups
suggested topics:
- fires
- dust and land use
- urban
- participants' suggestion
12.00 end
Please register before 22nd November in the link below.
MERGE is working with modelling the regional and global Climate System with focus on the interactions between the climate and the terrestrial biosphere. MERGE brings together more than 150 researchers collaborating across five Swedish universities - Lund University, Chalmers, University of Gothenburg, KTH, and Linnaeus University - and SMHI.
LTHs Profile Area: Aerosols is an area working towards the shift to a sustainable society, the goals are to promote clean air, improve climate predictions and enable sustainable solutions.
LU Profile Area: Nature based future solutions is a research environment that gathers researchers in a unique way from disciplines across Lund University. Together we will develop innovative ecosystem-based approaches that mobilize ecosystem processes for climate mitigation and adaptation while creating co-benefits for biodiversity, human well-being, and societies.
BECC is a collaboration between Lund University and University of Gothenburg in Sweden. BECC brings together more than 350 scientists from the natural and social sciences to perform research on the combined consequences of anthropogenic emissions, climate and land-use changes on biodiversity and ecosystem services on multiple scales, to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management of ecosystems and biodiversity.
About the event
Red room, Sölvegatan 37, Ecology building. Lund
lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se